
Generations And Evolution Of Computers Quick Review


Generations And Evolution Of Computers Quick Review

Very Short Answer Type Questions    [1 mark each]

Question 1:
Write the name of the first calculating device.
Calculating machine ABACUS is not called a computer, it can almost be called a computer.

Question 2:
Write the name of first device for multiplication.
Napier’s Bone was a mechanical device built for the purpose of multiplication in 1617 A.D. by an English mathematician John Napier.

Question 3:
How many generations of computer exist ?
There are five gem nations of computer.

Question 4:
What is the time period for first generation of computer ?
First Generation is from 1940 to 1956 (used Vacuum Tubes).

Question 5:
What is the time period for second generation of computer ?
Second Generation is from 1956 to 1963 (used Transistors).

Question 6:
What is the time period for third generation of computer ?
Third Generation is from 1964 to 1971 (used Integrated Circuits).

Question 7:
What is the time period for fourth generation of computer ?
Fourth Generation is from 1971 to present (used Microprocessors).

Question 8:
What difference does the 5th generation computer have from other generation computers ?
Artificial intelligence.

Question 9:
Which computer language is used for artificial intelligence ?

Question 10:
The binary system uses powers of_____ ?

Question 11:
Who is known as the Father of Computers ?
Charles Babbage is known as the Father of Computers.

Question 12:
Who was the first lady programmer ?
Lady Ada Lovelace.

Question 13:
In which generation vacuum tubes were used ?
Vacuum tubes were used in first generation computers.

Question 14:
In which generation transistors were used ?
Transistors were used in second generation computers.

Question 15:
Who introduced the concept of punched cards ?
Herman Hollerith introduced the concept of punched cards.

Question 16:
Name the machine developed by Blaise Pascal ?
The machine developed by Blaise Pascal is Pascaline.

Question 17:
Expand ENIAC.
ENIAC stands for Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer.

Question 18:
Expand EDSAC.
EDSAC stands for Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer.

Question 19:
Expand UNIVAC.
UNIVAC stands for Universal Automatic computers.

Question 20:
Give two examples of fourth generation computers.
Two examples of fourth generation computers are home computers and personal computers.

Short Answer Type Questions – I   [2 mark each]

Question 1:
Why is analytical engine often called the pioneer computer ?
The analytical engine was the first design to introduce the basic architecture of modern computer i.e., CPU storage area, memory & input/ output device. Therefore, it is called the pioneer computer.

Question 2:
Name the two machines proposed by Charles Babbage.
The two machines proposed by Charles Babbage are :

1.     Difference Engine

2.     Analytical Engine.

Question 3:
When and who invented vacuum tubes ?
Lee Dee Forest invented vacuum tubes in 1906.

Question 4:
Give the – classification of the mechanical calculating devices.
Mechanical calculating devices can be classified into following categories :

1.     Manual Calculating Devices.

2.     Semi-automatic Calculating Devices.

Question 5:
Name two manual calculating devices.
The two manual calculating devices are as follows:

1.     ABACUS

2.     Napier Bones.

Question 6:
Name any two semi-automatic calculating devices.
Two semi-automatic calculating devices are as follows :

1.     Pascaline.

2.     Difference Engine.

Question 7:
What is ABACUS ? Explain.
The ABACUS is a mechanical device which has a wooden frame. An ABACUS consists of beads divided into two parts which are movable on the rods in two parts. The device was used for doing calculations like addition, multiplication, etc. Chinese have been using ABACUS for large calculations. This device is still used for calculations in countries like China, Japan and Russia.

Question 8:
What are the advantages of vacuum tubes ?
Vacuum tubes have the following advantages :

1.     Vacuum tubes were the only electronic components available during those days which made possible the invention of electronic digital computers.

2.     These computers were the fastest calculating
devices of that time. They could perform computations in milliseconds.

Question 9:
When were the transistors developed ?
Transistors were developed during second generation. A transistor is smaller and more reliable substitute to the vacuum tubes.

Question 10:
Write a short note on Charles Babbage.
Charles Babbage was a British mathematician. In 1833, he designed a mechanical computer known as Analytical Engine. The machine had the ability to handle large amount of data and process it at a high speed. Charles Babbage is known as the ‘Father of Computers’ because he introduced the idea of storing and reading information before processing.

Question 11:
Write a short note on Lady Ada Lovelace.
The Lady Ada Lovelace was the daughter of the famous poet Byron. She is known as the ‘First Lady Computer Programmer’ in computer history. The concept of instructions given to Analytical Engine in the form of 0’s and l’s was given by her.

Question 12:
Write a short note on Pascal’s Adding Machine.
In 1692 Blaise Pascal, a Frenchman, invented a calculating machine called Pascaline. The machine was made up of gears and was used for adding numbers quickly. He was credited for building the first mechanical calculating machine. The design of his machine was ahead of its time.

Question 13:
What are the disadvantages of third generation computers ?
The disadvantages of third generation computers are as follow :

1.     Air conditioning is required in many cases.

2.     Highly sophisticated technology required for manufacturing of IC chips.

Question 14:
What is the main disadvantage of using fourth generation computers ?
The main disadvantage of using fourth generation
computers is that the highly sophisticated technology required for manufacturing of VLSIC (Very Large Scale Integration Chip).

Short Answer Type Questions – II   [3 mark each]

Question 1:
Explain the evolution of computing device.
The computing devices have evolved from simple mechanical machines like ABACUS, Napier’s Bones, Slide Rule, Pascal’s Adding and Subtraction Machine, Leibniz’s Multiplication and Dividing Machine, Jacquard Punched Card System, Babbage’s Analytical Engine and Hallerith’s Tabulating Machine, to the first electronic computer.

Question 2:
Explain first generation computers.
First generation computers were vacuum tubes based machines. These were large in size, difficult to operate and instructions were to be written in machine language. Their computation time was in milliseconds.

Question 3:
Explain second generation computers.
Second generation computers were transistor based machines. They used the stored program concept. Programs were written in assembly language. They were smaller in size, less expensive and required less maintenance than the first j generation computers. The computation time was j in microseconds.

Question 4:
Explain third generation computers.
Third generation computers were characterized by the use of IC. They consume less power and required low maintenance compared to their predecessors. High-level languages were used for programming. The computation time was in nanoseconds. These computers were produced commercially.

Question 5:
What do you mean by fourth generation computers ?
Fourth generation computers used micro-processors which were designed using the LSI and VLSI technology. The computers became small,
portable, reliable and cheap. The computation time is in Pico-seconds. They became available both to the home user and for commercial use.

Question 6:
Explain fifth generation computers.
Fifth generation computers are capable of learning and self-organization. These computers use SLSI chips and have large memory requirements. They use parallel processing and are based on Artificial intelligence. The fifth generation computers are still being developing.

Question 7:
Write the classification of computer based on their sizes and types.
Computers are broadly classified as micro-computers, mini computers, mainframe computers, and supercomputers based on their sizes and types.

Question 8:
Explain microcomputers.
Microcomputers are small, low-cost and standalone machines. Microcomputers include desktop computers, notebook computers or laptops, netbooks, tablet computer, handheld computer and smart phones.

Question 9:
Explain mainframe computers.
Mainframe computers are multi-user, multi-programming and high performance computers. They have very high speed, very large storage capacity and can handle large workloads. Mainframe computers are generally used in centralized databases.

Question 10:
What do you mean by supercomputers ?
Supercomputers are the – most expensive machines, having high processing speed capable of performing trillions of calculations per second. The speed of a supercomputer is measured in FLOPS. Super-computers find applications in computing intensive tasks.

Long Answer Type Questions (4-5 marks each)

Question 1:
Write features of first generation of computers.
First generation of computers :

·        The main component of first generation of computers were vacuum tube.

·        The size of computers were very big.

·        Huge consumption of electricity (approx. 60 KW).

·        It was a giant machine 30 x 50 feet long, weighed 30 tons, containing 20,000 values & 70,000 resistors.

·        Programming language was machine level. Example : ENIAC, UNIVAC-I, EDSAC etc.

Question 2:
Write features of second generation of computers and give example.
Second generation of computers :

·        The main component of second generation of computers was transistor instead of vacuum tube.

·        The size was still big but small in comparison to 1st generation.

·        Electricity consumption was lower.

·        They were faster and more reliable in comparison to the computers of 1st generation.

·        Core memory was developed.

·        Programming languages used were FORTRAN, COBOL, ALGOL, SNOBOL etc.
Examples : IBM 1401, IBM 1620, IBM 7094, UNIVAC 1108, CDC 1604, CDC 3600.

Question 3:
Write the features of third generation of computers.
Third generation of computers :

·        The main component of third generation computers were integrated circuits(IC’s) known as chips.

·        More reliable computers, less expensive and faster in comparison to previous generations.
Examples : IBM-360 Series, ICL1900 Series, Honey well Model 316.

Question 4:
Write features of fourth generation of computers.
Fourth generation of computers :

·        Main component for this generation computers are VLSIC (Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits), known as microchips consisting of a packing of about 50000 transistors.

·        Computer cost reduced up to a great extent.

·        Faster access facility and processing speed.

·        Many powerful operating systems were developed.

·        Multimedia computers are in existence.

Question 5:
What do you mean by super computers ? What was the purpose to develop super computers ?
Super Computers : Super computers are the most powerful computers among digital computers. A super computer consists of several processors running together making them immensely faster and powerful. These computers are capable of handling ’v 2 amounts of data for calculation and storage A supercomputer has the capability equal to that of 40,000 microcomputers.
These computers are mainly used in areas like weather forecasting, nuclear science research, aerodynamic modeling, meteorology etc.
Examples : CRAY X-MP/14, CDC – 205, ETA GF – 10, NEC SX – 2, PARAM, ANURAG.
PARAM and ANURAG are super computers produced by India and exported to many European countries.

Question 6:
How can we define computers according to technology ? What are the difference between them ?
What are the types of computers ? Define them.
There are three types of computers according to the technology. These are :
(i)  Digital Computers
(ii) Analog Computers
(iii) Hybrid Computers

1.     Digital Computers : The computer which works on the digital signals or deals with discrete digital signals is called digital computer.

2.     Analog Computers : The computer which works on physical analogies or physical quantities is called analog computer. It is a special purpose computer used to design specific problems.

3.     Hybrid Computers : A computer which has the features of both analog and digital computers is called hybrid computer.

Question 7:
Write a short note on Herman Hollerith.
In 1889, Herman Hollerith invented a machine which worked on electricity for the first time. One machine was used for recording data and the other one was used for doing calculations on that recorded data. His machine was capable of reading both numbers and letters. Herman Hollerith introduced the concept of punched cards. Hollerith invented the tabulating machine that could read Information from punched cards.

Question 8:
What are mainframe computers ? Mention the main characteristics of mainframe computers ?
Mainframe computers are very large computers available in different models, capacities and prices. The main characteristics of mainframe computers are as follows :

1.     Qualified operators and programmers are required for their operation.

2.     They support a wide range of peripherals.

3.     They have large storage capacities.

4.     They can make the use of a wide variety of software.

5.     These computers are mainly used in large commercial and government organizations.

Question 9:
Discuss the mini computers with their main characteristics.
Mini computers were introduced in the 1960’s. They have less capacity to manipulate and store data than mainframe computers.
Some of the main characteristics of mini computers are as follows :

1.     They offer a limited range of peripherals.

2.     Limited software can be used.

3.     There is a facility for direct of ration of the machine by the end user.

4.     Air conditioning is not necessary and is provided in many cases for dust control.

5.     They are widely used for data processing.

Question 10:
What are microcomj uters ? Mention the characteristics of n crocomputers/personal computers.
Micro computers/Personal computers are computers that use one or more microprocessors, and contain storage and input/output facilities, usually housed within a single enclosure. These have revolutionized the computer industry because of their size and cost.
Some of the characteristics of micro-Computers/ Personal computers are as follows :

1.     They are cheap and easy to use.

2.     They have limited input and output capacities.

3.     They have low storage capacity.

4.     Visual Display Unit (VDU) or printer is used to get the output.


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