
Class 11 Computer Science Chapter-2 Questions and Answers



Very Short answer Type Questions Q.1 What is None literal in Python?

Ans: Python has one special literal, which is None. The None literal is used to indicate absence of value. It is also used to indicate the end of lists in Python. It means ―There is nothing here‖. Q.2    What is the error in following code: x, y =7 ?

Ans: The following error comes  - 'int' object is not iterable. Which means an integer object i.e.

cannot be repeated for x and y. one more integer object is required after 7.  Q.3 what will the following code do: a=b=18 ?

Ans: This code will assign 18 to a and b both. 

Q.4 Following code is creating problem X = 0281, find reason.

Ans: 0281 is an invalid token.

Q.5     Find the error in the following code:

           (a) temp=90                                  (b) a=12                            (c) print(“x=”x)                Print temp                                        b = a + b                                                                          print( a And b)


           (d) a, b, c=2, 8, 4                          (e) x = 23                                              (f) else = 21-4

        print(a, b, c)           4 = x        c, b, a = a, b, c

                 print(a; b; c)

Ans:  (a)    Missing parentheses in call to 'print'.

(b)        Name ‗b‘ is not defined.

(c)         Invalid Syntax.

(d)        Invalid Syntax in second print statement.

(e)        can't assign to literal in second line.            (f)      Invalid Syntax.

Q.6     Find the error in the following code:

(a)       y = x +5    (b) a=input(“Value: “)  (c) print(x = y = 5)        print(x,y)        b = a/2

                                                                print( a, b)

Ans:    (a)      Name 'x' is not defined.

(b)       Unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'str' and 'int'.

(c)        Invalid Syntax.

Short Answer Type Questions 

Q.1           What is the difference between a keyword and an identifier?

Ans: Difference between Keyword and Identifier: Every language has keywords and identifiers, which are only understood by its compiler. Keywords are predefined reserved words, which possess special meaning. An identifier is a unique name given to a particular variable, function or label of class in the program.

Q.2 What are literals in Python? How many types of Literals allowed in Python?

Ans: Literals: Python comes with some built-in objects. Some are used so often that Python has a

quick way to make these objects, called literals. 

The literals include the string, Unicode string, integer, float, long, list, tuple and

dictionary types.

Q.3          How many types of sequences are supported in Python?

Ans: Three Types of Sequences are supported in python:

(i)                String

(ii)               List

(iii)              Tuple

Q.4            What factors guide the choice of identifiers in program?

Ans: (i) An identifier must start with a letter or underscore followed by any number of digits

and/or letters. 

(ii)         No reserved word or standard identifier should be used.

(iii)        No special character (Other than underscore) should be included  in the identifier.  Q.5 What is the difference between an expression and a statement in Python?

Ans: A statement is an instruction that the Python interpreter can execute. We have only seen the assignment statement so far. Some other kinds of statements that we‘ll see shortly are while statements, forstatements, if statements, and import statements. (There are other kinds too!)

An expression is a combination of values, variables, operators, and calls to functions. Expressions need to be evaluated. If you ask Python to print an expression, the interpreter evaluates the expression and displays the result.

Q.6     What are tokens in Python? How many types of tokens allowed in Python? Ans: Tokens are the smallest unit of the program. There are following tokens in Python:   Reserved words or Keywords


        Literals      Definition of all tokens may come. Which is not given   Operators      in this question bank.



Q.7          What are operators? What is their function? Give examples of some unary and binary


Ans: “Operators are those symbols used with operands, which tells compiler which operation is to be done on operands.‖  in other words – ―operators are tokens that trigger some computation/action when applied to variables and other objects in an expression.‖           Operators are of following types:

§  Unary operators like (+) Unary Plus, (-) Unary Minus, not etc.

§  Binary Operators like (+) addition, (*) multiplication, and etc.


Q.8       What is block/code block/suit in Python?

Ans: Sometimes a group of statements is part of another statement of function. Such a group of one

Q.9       What is the role of indentation in Python?

Ans: Indentation plays a very important role in Python. Python uses indentation to create blocks of code. Statements at same indentation level are part of same block/suit. You cannot unnecessarily indent a statement; python will raise an error for that. Q.10 How many types of strings are supported by Python?

Ans: Python supports two types of strings:

(i)          Single-line string                That terminates in single line.

(ii)         Multi-line String                 That stores multiple lines of text.

Skill Based Questions Q.1 What will be the sizes of following constants?

(a) „\a‟   (b)  “\a”   (c) “Kumar\‟s”   (d) „\”‟    (e) “it‟s”  

Ans: (a) 50             (b) 50           (c) 56     (d) 50 

This screenshot is the output of the above question.




Q.2       How can you create multi-line strings in Python?

Ans: We can create multi-line string by putting a backslash (\) at the end of line which allows you to

continue typing in next line in same string.



Q.3       Which of the following are syntactically correct strings? State reason.

(a)  ”Python is nice Language”

(b)  „He called me “Friend!” when he came‟

(c)  “Very Good‟

(d)  „This is a good book‟

(e)  “Namaste

(f)   “I liked „Harry Potter‟ very much” 

Ans: (a) Correct  (b) Correct                      (c) Incorrect (d) Correct     (e) Incorrect (f) Correct


Q.4     What is the error in following Python program with one statement?

  print(“My name is : “, name)   suggest a solution 

Ans: Error is : ―name 'name' is not defined‖. And the solution is to declare the variable-name before




Ans: Output:           17  5

Q.6       What will be the output of the following code:


Ans: Output:     Hari , you are  18  now but You will be  19  next year

Q.7       Write a Program to obtain temperature in Celsius and convert it into Fahrenheit using formula – 

           C X 9/5 + 32 = F


Q.8       Predict output:


Ans: Output:           4        6        8

Q.9       WAP to read todays date (only date Part) from user. Then display how many days are left in the current month.









Q.10    WAP to print the area of circle when radius of the circle is given by user.



Q.11    WAP to print the volume of a cylinder when radius and height of the cylinder is given by user.




Q.12    WAP that asks your height in centimeters and converts it into foot and inches. 





Q.13    WAP to find area of a triangle.





Q.14    WAP to calculate simple interest.






Q.15    WAP to read a number in n and prints n2, n3, n4    Ans: