
Chapter – 10: UNDERSTANDING SORTING || Computer Science || Class 11



Short Answer Type Questions  Q.1 What is sorting? Name some sorting Techniques.

Ans: In computer terms sorting refers to arranging elements in a specific order – ascending or descending. Some sorting techniques are –   

(i)          Selection Sort 

(ii)         Bubble Sort

(iii)        Insertion Sort

(iv)       Heap Sort

(v)        Quick Sort

Q.2       What is the basic principal of sorting in bubble sort?

Ans: The basic principal of bubble sort is to compare two adjoining values and exchange them if they

are not in proper order.

Q.3       Why do number-of-comparisons reduce in every successive iteration in bubble sort? 

Ans: For the first iteration of the outer loop, when we are trying to place the largest element in its correct position, N-1 comparisons takes place. For the second iteration of the outer loop, there is no need to compare against the last element of the list, because it was put at its correct position on the previous pass. Therefore, the second iteration requires only N-2 comparisons.

And so on.  

Q.4       On which basis can you determine if an algorithm is efficient or not?

Ans: Efficiency of the algorithm is determined by its number of operations. More number of operations means more CPU time. So the algorithm with less number of operations will be more efficient.

Q.5       What is the basic principal of sorting in Insertion sort?

Ans: Insertion sort is a sorting algorithm that builds a sorted list by taking one element at a time

from the unsorted list and by inserting the element at its correct position in sorted list.

Q.6       Number of operations wise, compare bubble sort and insertion sort techniques.

Ans: In bubble sort in ith iteration you have n-i-1 inner iterations (n^2)/2 total, but in insertion sort you have maximum i iterations on i'th step, but i/2 on average, as you can stop inner loop earlier, after you found correct position for the current element. So you have (sum from 0 to n) / 2 which is (n^2) / 4 total.

That's why insertion sort is faster than bubble sort.

Q.7       Why insertion sort is considered a better algorithm than bubble sort?

Ans: Insertion sort is slightly better than bubble sorting algorithm. Though the worst case time complexity are same for both algorithms, time complexity of insertion sort will depend on the data given. For a array which is already sorted, insertion sort takes linear time, but for the bubble sort algorithms it will take quadratic time complexity irrespective of arrangement of data.

Q.8       In which situations, insertion sort also becomes inefficient?

Ans: For large datasets, insertion sort becomes inefficient.

Q.9       What is the main difference between insertion sort and bubble sort techniques?

Ans:  Bubble Sort - It is a sorting algorithm in which two adjacent elements of an array are checked and swapped if they are in wrong order and this process is repeated until we get a sorted array.

In this first two elements of the array are checked and swapped if they are in wrong order. Then first and third elements are checked and swapped if they are in wrong order. This continues till the lat element is checked and swapped if necessary.

Insertion Sort - In this, the second element is compared with the first element and is swapped if it is not in order. Similarly, we take the third element in the next iteration and place it at the right place in the sub-array of the first and second elements (as the subarray containing the first and second elements is already sorted). We repeat this step with the fourth element of the array in the next iteration and place it at the right position in the subarray containing the first, second and the third elements. We repeat this process until our array gets sorted. Q.10 When and why would you choose insertion sort over bubble sort?

Ans: When databases are smaller, insertion sort will be beneficial. And where there are large databases than bubble sort will perform better.

























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