Dear Readers,
Here is the link of my video:
Dear Learners,
In this video I have explained about Courses available for professional development
Dear Learners,
In this video I have explained about Online resources and ICT tools for self learning:
Dear Learners,
In this video I have explained about ICT which helped me in my professional development: Here is the link:
Dear Students,
CBSE has revised syllabus for session 2020-21 due to COVID pandemic situation. Below is the link of PDF file of REVISED syllabus of COMPUTER SCIENCE WITH PYTHON. Here is the link:
Prepare for Board examination as per this syllabus.
Dear Readers,
I am continuously communicating and counselling students of my school. Here is the link of my video:
Dear Learners,
Here is the link of my next video for STACKS AND QUEUES USING LIST (PART-3):
Dear Friends,
I have attended so many online trainings and online programs. Here is the link of my video in which I have shown my certificates:
Dear Learners,
Here is the link of my second video of Stacks and Queues using List:
Dear Learners,
Here is the link of my YouTube video related to this topic:
Dear Learners,
I have recorded and uploaded video on YouTube. Here is the Link:
Dear Learners,
Here is the YouTube Video Link for the concept - LEGB Rule and Scope of variable in Python:
Dear Learners,
Here is the Link of YouTube Video which I have been recorded and uploaded :
Dear Learners,
Here is the Link of YouTube Video which I have been recorded and uploaded :
Dear Learners,
Here is the Link of YouTube Video which I have recorded and uploaded: